SACNAS Graduate Student Chapter

Contact Information


Instagram: @ucsbsacnasgrad


Mission Statement:

SACNAS, the Society for Advancement of Chicanxs and Native Americans in Science, is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of underrepresented minorities in attaining degrees and positions of leadership in STEM. The vision of the SACNAS graduate chapter of UCSB is to provide a community that provides support, resources, and opportunities for graduate students in STEM through professional development, social, and outreach events.

Community Building:

The SACNAS community at UCSB is made up of people with diverse voices, experiences, and backgrounds. We seek to harbor an inclusive and welcoming multicultural space in which people can come together as their authentic selves. SACNAS holds a variety of events to cultivate a social and support network amongst peers, some of which include: industry mixers, professional development guest speakers, coffee hours, happy hours, mental health activities, game nights, and more!